Cast/Crew Photo: (Back Row) Josh Warner(PA/Sound), Leacy Leaming(Art Department/Make-up), Scott Wyllie(Lighting)
(Middle Row) Risa Pappas(Camera), David Pringle(Cast - Stuart Geoffreys), Aaron Garfinkel(Producer), Ramiro Quintero( Assistant Director), Shawn Reber(Camera)
(Bottom Row) Dale DeVino(Producer), Dan Linke(Director).
From top left to bottom right: Dale DeVino(Producer), Josh Warner(PA/Sound), Leacy Leaming(Art Department/Make-up, Ramiro Quintero (Assistant Director), Hannah Montana (cast), Dan Linke(Director), Scott Wyllie(Lighting), David Pringle(cast), Aaron Garfinkel(Producer), Risa Pappas(Camera), Shawn Reber(Camera).
Break Time (Top Left to Bottom Right): Dale DeVino(Producer), Risa Pappas(Camera), Aaron Garfinkel(Producer), Scott Wyllie(Lighting), Leacy Leaming(Art Department/Make-up), David Pringle(Cast - Stuart Geoffreys), Josh Warner(PA/Sound), Shawn Reber(Camera).
(Left to Right): David Pringle(Stuart Geoffreys), Leacy Leaming(Art Department/Make-up), Dale Devino(Producer), Dan Linke(Director).
Make-up: Leacy applying make-up to Vin Reccoppa(Agent Johnson.)
Worried? (Left to Right): Leacy Leaming(Art Department/Make-up, Dan Linke(Director), Clarke Mayer(Editor/Script Supervisor), Aaron Garfinkel(Producer).
Leacy had to get that door open between every take so that people didn't fall over from heat exhaustion. (Left to Right): Clarke Mayer(Editor/Script Supervisor), Matt Rosen(Lighting), Leacy Leaming(Art Department/Make-up).
The Marina (Left to Right): Risa Pappas(Camera), Clarke Mayer(Editor/Script Supervisor), Leacy Leaming(Art Department/Make-up.)
The Cigarette Club -Day 2 - Interrogation Room Scene (From Left to Right): Vin Reccoppa (Agent Johnson), Dale Devino(Producer), David Pringle(Stuart Geoffreys), Josh Warner(PA/Sound), Risa Pappas (Camera), Dan Linke(Director), Leacy Leaming (Art Department /Make-up), Clarke Mayer (Editor/Script Supervisor, Aaron Garfinkel(Producer.)
Set Photo - (From Left to Right): David Pringle(Stuart Geoffreys), Ramiro Quintero(Assistant Director), Shawn Reber(Camera), Josh Warner(PA/Sound). Dan Linke(Director).
Interrogation Room - (Top Left to Bottom Right): Bryant Page(Audio), Shawn Reber(Camera), Lucious Page(Audio), Dan Linke's Leg(Director), David Pringle(cast - Stuart Geoffreys), Kutcha(cast - Agent Gil.)
Imagine how hot that was: (Top)Matt Rossen(Lighting),
(Bottom)Scott Wyllie(Lighting).
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